The Magical Million scratch card scam...
Magazines and newspapers get money from advertisers, some of which run contests and promotions.
I was not surprised to see that Rupert Murdoch's "Times" had scratch cards for the Magical Million from
Considering the fake news from Fox, it's no surprise there's a long standing fake contest advertised in Murdoch's paper.
A scatch card says "3 identical symbols - you can claim a GUARANTEED CASH PAYOUT".
So our three helicopters...
- by calling the £1.50 per minute premium number (or premium text messages) you can find out how much you've won...
- which you then send by post (including a return stamp) and wait months.
- When you chase them up many times in many months you might receive your £10 award (in vouchers?!?!), or then again you might not
Greed. Something for nothing. You're luckier than everyone else...
If you are silly enough to insist on "playing" (because you already are a winner), then hopefully you'll recycle the scratch card and go buy a lottery ticket.
Consider that £9 buys a lot of fun for a homeless person in your neighborhood, or supports your local charity (RSPCA, Red Cross, etc.)
These companies are the lowest level of legal scam possible (eventually they graduate into selling derivatives, junk bonds, or insurance); if you are using a computer and the internet to read about this scam then you should be too smart to fall for it.
Oh, do you want some "research", try
Original link is too old for the Mirror to keep around so some updated ones: