wget --quiet http://example.com/folder/file --output-document output_filename
wget --timestamping http://example.com/file.tar.gz
only download if the remote file is newer by timestamp
cURL is often installed with Linux/MacOS but depends on a library installed on the operating system.
Given its ease of use and many programming language library wrappers it is a ubiquitous tool for HTTP operations.
sudo apt-get install -y curl
install curl on ubuntu
curl -O https://example.com/folder/file
download the file using the original file name like wget
curl -s checkip.amazonaws.com
curl -s ipinfo.io/ip
curl -s www.trackip.net/ip
curl -s whatsmyip.me
curl -s whatismyip.akamai.com
curl -s icanhazip.com
curl --silent --output output_filename http://example.com/filename.html
download the file with a new local filename
curl -I --max-time 2
HEAD response only and wait at most 2 seconds
curl --silent --max-time 1 -o /dev/null --insecure -I -w "%{http_code}" --insecure | grep 200
only show response status code 200 or nothing
curl --silent --location --insecure https://example.com
no transfer output, follow (HTTP) redirects, do not verify the SSL
curl --header "X-Custom-Header: foobar" http://example.com:8080
curl --data-urlencode "name=My Name" http://www.example.com
does the percent encoding
curl --request POST http://example.com/resource.cgi
curl --header "content-type: application/json" --header "Authorization: TOKEN" -X POST \
-d '{"name":"Room of Requirement","owner":{"id":1234}}' https://example.com/room/55
spoofing google bot with curl and wget
curl -A "Googlebot/2.1 (+http://www.google.com/bot.html)" -O https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1061943?hl=en
spoof googlebot to scrape a page that has nagging javascript
wget --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" https://example.com
wget way to spoof googlebot to scrape a page that has nagging javascript
using browsers to modify post requests or forms
- Chrome developer tools (control + shift + i)
- choose Network (panel after Elements)
- Right click on a request (e.g. GET and choose Copy as cURL)
- Firefox (maybe requires Firebug extension installed) and (control + shift + k)
- Network panel (Headers)
- Edit and Resend
wget examples to download a blog and images
wget "http://johnnypfeiffer.blogspot.com" --mirror --convert-links --warc-file="johnnypfeiffer-blogspot" --warc-cdx=on
using wget with the new WARC option to m
Backups "outsourced" via https://archive.org/ but you probably want a local copy (preferably burned to blu-ray) by using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_ARChive
(you only need to keep the .warc.gz but the optional .cdx index may help you if later you want to list the contents without browsing the whole warc)
To view the web archive (even offline) you can try:
- https://github.com/webrecorder/webrecorderplayer-electron
- https://github.com/sbilly/webarchiveplayer
wget -r -H -D bpfeiffer.blogspot.com,1.bp.blogspot.com,2.bp.blogspot.com,3.bp.blogspot.com,4.bp.blogspot.com,www.blogger.blogspot.com,lh6.googleusercontent.com,lh5.googleusercontent.com,lh4.googleusercontent.com,lh3.googleusercontent.com, lh2.googleusercontent.com,lh1.googleusercontent.com -k -p -E -nH -erobots=off -U Mozilla http://bpfeiffer.blogspot.com
annoyingly have to find each google image server until figured out wildcards with the example list
wget -r -H -D johnnypfeiffer.blogspot.com,1.bp.blogspot.com,2.bp.blogspot.com,3.bp.blogspot.com,4.bp.blogspot.com,www.blogger.blogspot.com -k -p -E -nH -erobots=off -U Mozilla http://johnnypfeiffer.blogspot.com
we cannot use the -nd flag because some images have the same name but different servers 1.bp.blogspot.com/NAME.jpg 2.bp.blogspot.com/NAME.jpg*
-r = recursive (infinite by default) -l 2 = number of levels deep to recurse -H = span to other sites (examples, i.e. images.blogspot.com and 2.bp.blogspot.com) -D example1.com,example2.com = only span to these specific examples --exclude-examples bad.com = do not crawl if the link is from example bad.com -k = convert-links (to be accessible entirely locally without internet - it does this at the END after downloading everything) -p = download the "page requisities" (i.e. css and images) -E = if it doesn't originally end in .html it will once downloaded -erobots=off -nH = do not prefix index.html in the johnnypfeiffer.blogspot.com
-nd = don't bother to create directories for everything -P = --directory-prefix=/usr/local/src (prepends all filenames downloaded with a string, e.g. a local path), by default this is . -U = user agent (i.e. Mozilla)
-O file = puts all of the content into one file, not a good idea for a large site (and invalidates many flag options) -O - = outputs to standard out (so you can use a pipe, like wget -O http://kittyandbear.net | grep linux -N = uses timestamps to only download newer remote files (which will be stamped with the remote timestamp), depends on server providing Last-Modified header
--no-use-server-timestamps = files will be stamped with download time (default behavior is to stamp the download with the remote file) --spider = only checks that pages are there, no downloads (checks if the url / files are correct/exist)
-b (backgrounds the job, you can check it via "tail -f wget-log"
More wget parameters
wget -r -H -l1 -k -p -E -nd -erobots=off http://bpfeiffer.blogspot.com
wget -r -H --exclude-examples azlyrics.com -l1 -k -p -E -nd -erobots=off http://bpfeiffer.blogspot.com
wget --http-user=user --http-password=pass -r -E -p --convert-links http://website/trac/umr5series/ -b # backgrounded
wget -p -k http://www.gnu.org/ -o logfile # get css etc. and convert links to local links and outputs a log of actions to logfile
wget -c = will continue a download of a large file if interrupted
wget -r -A.pdf http://url-to-webpage-with-pdfs/
--user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092416 Firefox/3.0.3"
wget --http-user=johnpfeiffer --http-password=* -r -l1 -A "*.pdf" http://wss/test/Forms/AllItems.aspx
-r = recursive
-l1 = one level of recursive depth only
-A "*.pdf" = pdf files only
wget --reject=gif WEBSITE-TO-BE-DOWNLOADED
do not download gifs
wget -S http://website/
preserve the original timestamps
wget -N http://website/
only get the newer files by timestamp
wget "ftp://ftp.website/*"
the double quotes prevent the shell from trying to interpret the *
wget -m http://website.com
mirror option
-m or --mirror
Turn on options suitable for mirroring [a web site]. This option turns on recursion and time-stamping,
sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings.
It is currently equivalent to -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing.
wget -m --user=user --pasword=pass ftp://ftp.web.com
ftp site mirror with user & pass
wget --timestamping -r ftp://ftp.website/
Run regularly to mirror a website (recursively)
wget --wait=20 --limit-rate=20K -r -p -U Mozilla http://www.stupidsite.com/
TO BE POLITE... use the wait and limit rate so as not to crash someone's site (be invisible!)
wget --no-parent http://site/subdir
allows you to just get the subdir
wget --limit-rate=20k -i file.txt
runs wget from the list of urls in the file at 20KB/s
wget with self signed ssl certificates
wget https://example.com --no-check-certificate
HTTPS (SSL/TLS) options:
--secure-protocol=PR choose secure protocol, one of auto, SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1. --no-check-certificate don't validate the server's certificate. --certificate=FILE client certificate file. --certificate-type=TYPE client certificate type, PEM or DER. --private-key=FILE private key file. --private-key-type=TYPE private key type, PEM or DER. --ca-certificate=FILE file with the bundle of CA's. --ca-directory=DIR directory where hash list of CA's is stored. --random-file=FILE file with random data for seeding the SSL PRNG. --egd-file=FILE file naming the EGD socket with random data.
wget --random-wait ftp://user:[email protected]/dir
random pauses to simulate a real user downloading
--user=user --password=pass
wget -c ftp://ftp.website/file
continue downloading a previous wget that was interrupted note does not handle a changed file very well...
--ignore-length //if some http servers send bogus info out...
--referer=url //if website only allows access from a browser that was previously on their site...
Note that time-stamping will only work for files for which the server gives a timestamp.
http depends on a Last-Modified header. ftp depends on a directory listing with dates in a wget parseable format
.wgetrc for permanent configuration changes
wget could have these changes permanent using the wget startup file .wgetrc
/usr/local/etc/wgetrc or per user settings $HOME/.wgetrc
#passive_ftp = off
waitretry = 10
#timestamping = off
#recursive = off
example wget to scrape java posse podcast mp3s
wget -U Mozilla -e robots=off --random-wait -r -l1 -H -D "javaposse.com,traffic.libsyn.com" -A "Java*.mp3" http://javaposse.com/2008/05
-H = --span-hosts = recursive will get from other examples too
-D = --examples = what examples to download from
--exclude-examples = what examples to NOT download