Interacting with the computer is so much faster with keyboard hotkey shortcuts and other tricks, these are applicable as of Xubuntu 14.04
Xubuntu Zoom (magnifier)
Alt + scrollwheel up to Zoom in
or on a laptop with a touchpad two finger swipe up
Alt + scrollwheel down to Zoom out
or on a laptop with a touchpad two finger swipe down
Hotkey Application Shortcuts
Mouse (start button) -> Settings -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts
Add -> sh -c "sleep 1 && xset dpms force off" -> OK (will open another popup)
press control + alt + q on the keyboard (the popup will go away and the hotkeys will be saved)
Double click on the command in the Command column to edit the command
Double click on the hotkeys in the Shortcut column to modify the hotkey combination
- sleep 1 && xset dpms force off control + alt + q
- exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator control + alt + t
- gnome-calculator control + alt + g
- /usr/bin/galculator control + alt + g
/usr/bin/leafpad --tab-width=4 control + alt + f
vi /usr/share/applications/leafpad.desktop Exec=leafpad --tab-width=4 %f
/usr/bin/chromium-browser control + alt + a
/usr/bin/filezilla control + alt + i
- /opt/pycharm/bin/ control + alt + p
- xfce4-screenshooter -r printscreen
select region (-f fullscreen , -w active window)
amixer set Master 5%- -q Alt + Down
- amixer set Master 5%+ -q Alt + Up
- xflock4 control + alt + delete
- retext control + alt + r
XFCE Keyboard Shortcuts
Settings Editor -> xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts
commands -> custom... New
exo-open --launch FileManager
Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts
ubuntu 12.04 keyboard shortcuts
System Settings -> Keyboard (may not be visible so type it in the search box) -> Shortcuts
Either modify an existing shortcut (i.e. disable one that is annoying)
OR Custom Shortcuts -> + (add a new one)
name: chromium
command: /usr/bin/chromium-browser
Then highlight the row (clicking on the right area where it's "disabled") and type the key combination desired to trigger the shortcut (e.g. control + alt + a)
HINTS: sudo find / -iname "*chromium*"
sudo which chromium-browser